Rent/sale of IT equipment
Tet offers remote server rent service, which enables the customers to use the up-to-date IT technologies and solutions for a fixed monthly fee, including rent of hardware and equipment warranty with the relevant level of service.
Servers are arranged in the two most secure data centres in Riga with the monthly availability rate of up to 99.982%, and connection to the internet or your remote office is provided by using reserved data transmission channels with speed from 1 Gb/s to 10 Gb/s.
In addition to the rent of servers, customers can choose data storage systems, data backup copying systems, as well as data transmission and IT infrastructure safety equipment.
Tet experts will also provide configuration and installation of your chosen equipment at the data centre, as well as support you or manage migration of your data to servers, which are to be arranged in Tet data centres.
We cooperate with widely known manufacturers of IT equipment, such as DELL-EMC, Lenovo, HPE, IBM, Huawei, Cisco, Juniper, Mikrotik etc.

Do you have additional questions or need advice?
Contact a Tet specialist by phone +371 67057991, write to us by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave a message. We will be happy to help.
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