Virtualization and flexibility
Get the virtualization of the leader among cloud infrastructure producers. Adjust the size of your infrastructure to your changing needs with a few clicks.
Unlimited amount of servers
Create an unlimited number of virtual machines depending on your needs without any investment in physical equipment, service and maintenance.
Unlimited data transfer
Do not pay extra for the daily use of your resources. In Tet inbound and outbound transfers are for free.
SLA 99,982%
We provide the highest SLA level of our cloud per year. The availability of your resources is guaranteed by a contract that precisely defines all our obligations.
Geographical redundancy
For mission critical workloads, TetCloud offers geographical redundancy via resources from two data centers in Riga, Latvia and one data center in Copenhagen, Denmark. Your workloads can be replicated across availability zones and regions at infrastructure level or at application level.
24/7 support
You can always rely on the support of a team of professionals who is at your disposal around the clock. We speak English, Russian and Latvian.
Choose a Cloud model suitable for your business
For Professionals
Perfect for those looking for a flexible solution without being bound by a contract.
Tet Cloud allows you to use efficient, powerful processors and fast NVMe SSD drives. You can use multiple licenses in a subscription form, e.g. Microsoft Windows Server, SQL Server, Office etc. Create an unlimited number of virtual machines, network connections and firewall configurations. You get unlimited data transfer for the price of the service. To start, just log in to the Cloud panel and use the wizard.
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For the biggest players
The best for implementing unique projects with specialized requirements.
Cloud Enterprise is private cloud solutions dedicated to specialized needs and projects. Individually created environments in the high availability clusters. Full support of IT engineers at the design, migration and project management stages.
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Virtualization of the highest flights
Take advantage of the full potential of VMware virtualization. Manage your cloud with Tet Cloud Control Panel or vCloud Director*, which allows easy and intuitive configuration of the virtual environment. It includes built-in services, such as Virtual Router with Firewall, NAT, DHCP, VPN IPsec, Load Balancer and other features.
* on demand feature